Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to Make Your Back to School The Greatest Season of All!

Despite the merriment we all experience at the beginning of the back to school season, there seems to be a rapid decline in our moods the moment the dreaded paperwork begins to appear in our houses. The countertops, dresser tops, table tops, and back seat of the car all seem to grow their very own pile of papers. All of those school supplies that were purchased at the beginning of the year have now made their way back into our homes in the form of school projects, art projects, mobiles, and dioramas. Not to mention that fact that all the teacher supplies we so generously donated to the school have also returned to our homes in the form of field trip slips, progress reports, graded homework, and report cards. Where does all this stuff go? How do we get back our houses?

Everything in its Place

In every home there seems to be a "junk hot spot" where everything not nailed down ends up. Backpacks, flip-flops, keys, hats, coats, and leftover lunches all seem to end up in the same spot in your kitchen. Why not make that "hot spot" the dump spot? Actually designating a place in your home where you and you kids throw their everyday things will actually help cut down on clutter elsewhere in your universe. Make sure that yo women's jackets u have set up specific bins for things to go into. Have a special hanging hook where you and your kids put your keys. Have a shoe rack where you and your kids can put your shoes. Have a coat rack where you can all put your coats. This doesn't just sound simple, it is simple.

School Supply Storage

With all the money you spent at the beginning of the school year, you aren't just going to let all your children's school supplies get lost in the mess that is your house? If your kids don't need them at school, you should set aside a place in your house where you can store school supplies when they are not in use. Buying baskets or storage bins and labeling them with the appropriate item, will help you sort and store all those special items for their special projects.

Inbox and Outbox

With all the paperwork going through your house it is probably very hard to keep track of important time sensitive documents. There is nothing as horrible as your child getting to go to his class swim party because you never got around to signing his permission slip. Designating a specific box or basket in the house as the "inbox" for all school related papers can drastically cut back on life shattering "mommy mistakes". Every night before you snuggle into your bed, go through the inbox and file, sign, toss, or display whatever needs it. If something needs to be signed and returned, sign it and put it right back into their backpacks to be returned the next day. If an important date needs to be remembered, write the date down on your family calendar and toss the paper. You can de-clutter your living space and still be on the ball with your kid's important school stuff.

Home Art Museum

All those school supplies and classroom supplies you purchased at the beginning of the year have made a triumphant return as a beautiful piece of art. Paper Mache snowmen, multi-colored paper chains, painstakingly drawn pictures of the family standing around a large pumpkin. When all those amazing pieces of imagination come flowing through your door, you will want to display them proudly for all to see. The fridge might not be big enough to hold so many wonderful works of art, so set aside a wall in the family room or kitchen where you can display with much pomp, your child's newest achievement. Let the artwork hang there until the next great masterpiece graces your abode, and switch them, leaving the new artwork hanging and putting the old away in a storage container for later.

With your schedule already super crammed, your shopping list already overflowing with school supply needs, and your brain exploding with important dates, being able to find space, peace, and order in your own home may just save your life.

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